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Do you have any financial tips that you would like to share regarding applications, interviews, etc?


"There are a lot of programs that offer URiM stipends for away rotations. Take advantage of them. Other than that, I would say apply to as many programs that you can personally afford. In the long run the cost will be minuscule to what you make as an attending. You can always cancel interviews, but you never have a second opportunity to submit an application to a program by the opening deadline."

-Applied into Internal Medicine

"Work with your school advisor to come up with a good number of programs to apply to. I applied to about 15 programs based off advice from my advisor, who I trusted and students said gave great advice. It is tempting to apply to way more than you need to because you are worried you may not match. Its hard to know your competitiveness as an applicant as you go through the process, so having a person familiar with the match is very helpful in creating your list of programs. However, I am so glad I only applied to the programs I legitimately liked and would go to."

-Applied into Internal Medicine

"Apply for scholarships EARLY. Realistically you do this in third year. Select aways with diversity scholarships. Email the PD once you've submitted and express your huge interest in both the away and scholarship. Be bold., network."

-Applied into Family Medicine

"Scholarships, Scholarships, Scholarships. Apply to many, its okay if you get rejected you only need 1! I have lots of scholarship advice on my instagram you can find in my highlights @DrWordofTeekz. There are even rotation scholarships and grants that you can get to help shoulder the costs!"

-Applied into Dermatology


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