"You have to be honest with yourself about your priorities. For me, that was first and for most Geography: I only applied to programs in California and heavily emphasized southern California/Los Angeles. After that I looked at programs based off their patient population, curriculum structure, program culture (based of residents input) resident union, fellowship match list. Less important but still looked at was pay, benefits, and additional training tracks, such as community health track, Quality Improvement or Healthy Systems management tracks."
-Applied into Internal Medicine
"I did it based on location. I applied to 3 states only, but I am in a non-competitive specialty."
-Applied into Internal Medicine
"I wanted to be back in California coming from Michigan so I applied to academic and community programs all over Ca and some school that were affiliated with my medical school."
-Applied into Family Medicine
"I used the AAMC residency navigator to get an idea of which programs I would be competitive for. Then I met with my IM advisor to review the list and add/subtract programs as necessary. Overall, I knew I wanted to apply to more programs over fewer programs, and ended up with 38."
-Applied into Internal Medicine
"Dermatology was very competitive so I applied to mainly the coastal states and all states that had urban underserved populations. I am an osteopathic student so I also applied to the D.O. programs that I thought I would thrive in, but not all of them."
-Applied into Dermatology