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What advice do you have for students doing away rotations?


"It's lonely, stressful, and medicine is such an oppressive system for communities of color who cannot afford the costs of traveling. I was so upset that I had to max out my loans in order to not only afford my car rental and airbnb but also my flights. Try to find rotation/subI scholarships as best as you can, they are extremely important and powerful and will serve to help you get to where you need to be."

-Applied into Dermatology

"I didn’t do one, but from others I know: Talk to your home program director for advice on where, when, and if you need to do one. Do it in a place or region you are interested in. You cannot leave a bad impression. Be nice to ALL of the staff at away site. "

-Applied into Internal Medicine

"Get ready to work. This is not a vacation or time for you to relax. Don't do a sub-I if you are not willing to wake up early and be the first one there and push yourself to work harder than you have during 3rd year. In addition to that having a great and humble attitude and learning how to read the room. If the intern is overwhelmed, don't one up them in front of the attending or ask questions you can look up. Help them because residents have a lot more say then we think. It's 100% to not know, but make sure you follow up and look it up."

-Applied into Family Medicine


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