Michelle Chan Sanchez
Shirley Chan Sanchez
Liliana Pellegrini
Within the healthcare realm where specialists shine bright
Is where medical advancements take flight
But where the patient’s complex conditions unfold
The numerous times their stories must be told
Metformin’s GI trouble, ACE-inhibitor coughs persist
Is it PM&R or Rheumatology that is going to care for my wrist?
Additional medications after my hospital stay,
Will all my concerns for this visit be conveyed?
Patients wander through fragmented care
Wondering, “How many more specialists could I bear?”
In this maze of healthcare, not by patient’s design
Confusion, frustration, nothing aligns.
For comprehensive care and specialist’s intentions
There should be clarity within healthcare’s dimensions
Let the patients’ narrative and conversation grow
Providers explain and give an understanding that flows
The patient’s puzzle with a solution we find
A collaborative journey, patient in mind.
About the Authors: We are current MD/MPH students and were inspired to create this piece to emphasize the importance of paying attention to the views of patients as they navigate a complex healthcare system.
About the Work: This poem delves into the challenges and confusion patients may face in the healthcare system. It highlights the confusion surrounding the perplexities of dealing with various specialists, the fatigue of repeatedly explaining complex conditions, grappling with instructions, and the hardships of navigating a fragmented system. The poem advocates for clear communication and intentional collaboration to find solutions that prioritize putting the patient’s well-being and experience at the forefront.