Adrian Alepuz
MS2, Nova Southeastern University's Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
Hallow and afraid, I approach
I collect myself
Recalling my transgressions
Before the Aesculapian priestess
I make my confession
Yet the honest judge does not condemn me
But gives me hope
Vulnerable upon the altar of medicine, I lay
Yet her healing touch is gentle
Grounded in tradition, the ritual performed
Generational knowledge embodied
In her hands lies my fate
My fear isolated, she unroots and abolishes it
Renewing my soul
Uplifted, my life is restored
My vow to live anew
Adrian Alepuz is a second-year medical student at Nova Southeastern University's Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine. Prior to coming to NSU, Adrian received his Master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences from Vanderbilt University, and his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University. Adrian's research currently focuses on improving measures used to clinically diagnose bone disease, as well as the factors that contribute to fatigue life in trabecular bone. In the future, Adrian hopes to be an orthopaedic surgeon and use his experience in bone biomechanics to develop techniques that better predict fracture risk in osteoporotic patients, as well as design technology to help improve patient outcomes. Additionally, Adrian hopes to serve the Latino community by establishing a bilingual practice and promoting a more inclusive healthcare system. True to his Cuban roots, Adrian loves dominos and salsa dancing, and in his spare time he enjoys weightlifting, windsurfing, and playing water polo.