Member Accomplishments
Diana L. Torres-Pinzon + Walter Solorzano
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
This article, published in the Health Equity Journal (open access), discusses the disparities in access to health care among our undocumented immigrant population. It makes the case that given the current covid-19 pandemic, which has affected many of our immigrant communities, efforts should be made to expand access to healthcare.

Sonia Parra, MS4
Baylor College of Medicine
This article was just published online on Dec. 2020 in the International Journal of Cancer). It covers Sonia's work evaluating low-cost technology for use in cervical cancer prevention in El Salvador.

Louis Francisco Morales-Shnaider, MS4
Anschutz Medical Campus
University of Colorado
Published on August 2020 in Open Forum Infectious Diseases.
Samantha Williams, MS2
SUNY Upstate Medical University
This article published in the Syracuse Post Standard details the importance of diversity in medicine.
Samantha also was recently awarded her school's Sarah Loguen Fraser Alumni Scholarship due to her commitment to serve underserved communities.

César E. Montelongo Hernández, MS3
Loyola University Chicago
Stritch School of Medicine
The bacteria E. coli is often associated with urinary tract symptoms. This study analyzes the genome of 66 urinary E. coli isolates to assess if their genetic content is associated with urinary conditions such as urinary tract infection.

Alec G. Contag, M.D.
Taylor Vega, MCR, MS3
Anthony Sánchez, MS3
Erin Urbanowicz, MPH, MS3
Oregon Health Sciences University
To better prepare the healthcare workforce, Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) members at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) developed an Introductory Medical Spanish course to complement an 18-month pre-clinical curriculum.