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Flee from Me

Marcos Ortiz, MS2 Morehouse School Of Medicine

I thought that if I raced it to the finish line and won,

It would retreat, afraid to challenge such formidable speed.


But as I crossed the finish line first, banners and flags began to burst,


The scenery melts, losing every trace,

I'm left with no choice but to gaze into its face.


Exasperated confusion and betrayal in both eyes,

It grasped my heart and made me question,

If I was just going to leave it to die.

About the Author: Marcos is a 2nd year medical student at Morehouse School Of Medicine. He loves his dog Goose.

About the Work: Intentionally left unclear to encourage the reader to question and reflect within on what parts of themselves they may be running away from.

The invisible battle within that characterizes mental health issues or from living in a world that isn’t built for you is ever present. We all deal with struggles that no one else sees. Unique to us in specifics, but ubiquitous in experience.

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