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Mi casa en pedazos

Camila Hernandez-Blanco, MS2 NYU Grossman School of Medicine

entre las paredes

escucho tu voz

dulce como de leche

llamándome, amándome


entre las paredes

exitís vos

el primero que me sostuvo

donde crecimos, donde vivimos

en cada rincón tu sonrisa

en cada crujido de madera tu risa

el humo del asado ya no sube

pero el olor de chorizos

en el verano permanece

el sonido de moler cafe

mi despertador siempre

aunque solo en mis sueños

entre las paredes

mi casa, sos vos

entre tus paredes

órganos colapsando

coagulación intravascular diseminada

sangrando como el lavarropas que pierde agua

coágulos paseando por tu cuerpo y

llegando a tu corazón como

los atascos por las tuberías

con destino al lavaplatos

embolización, embolizando

esparcimiento por tu cerebro

como el vidrio de tu plato

cayendo y rompiéndose en pedazos

y el brillo de tus ojos apagándose

como el corte de luz en la cocina

entre las paredes,

pedazos, pedazos

mi casa en pedazos

entre las paredes

de mi corazón

exitís vos

Camila Hernández Blanco

About the Author: I am a second year medical student at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina but grew up in Wisconsin where I attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison with majors in Spanish and Neurobiology. I have a passion for the medical humanities and working with Spanish-speaking populations. Outside of class, I enjoy playing field hockey, reading in parks and coffee shops, and exploring the city.

About the Work: This poem is about my dad who passed away while in the ICU due to malignant hyperthermia. This poem links my dad to my house, where I spent the past 20 years of my life with him. While his physical presence has departed, his essence remains and becomes visible in the walls, the sounds, and the memories in every corner of the house. Right after his death, strange things happened in our house. The dishwasher clogged and flooded, the coffee machine stopped working, and all the lights in the kitchen went out. These felt like manifestations of my dad’s energy. In addition, I recently learned about DIC in medical school- a condition of clots and excessive bleeding throughout the body. I found an analogy of the DIC happening within my dad's body to a DIC occurring within our house. Ultimately, this poem delves into the concept of homes—how a house embodies a home, how loved ones become our home, and how their memories permanently reside in our hearts. Essentially, this poem intertwines medical terms and explores the concept of a body as a home.


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