Genaro Herrera Cano, MS3 University of Connecticut's School of Medicine
Una vez,
Caras aparecieron,
Aquellas de mi sangre,
Poblando la tierra del cóndor,
Sonrisas en mi llegada,
¿Estarán presentes siempre?
Una vez,
Caras desvanecieron,
Tres quedaron,
En una tierra lejana
Enjaulada por un mar indomable
Gobernada por una buya nocturna hipnotizante
“Co-quí Co-quí”.
Una vez,
En el andar,
Caras aparecieron,
Algunas entraron y partieron,
Otras se establecieron,
Risas, alegrías, enojos, tristezas compartidas,
Aventuras históricas inolvidables.
Una vez,
Caras desvanecieron,
Ninguna quedo,
Hora de forjar mi porvenir,
Herramientas a mi disposición,
¿Sabre utilizarlas?
Ahora en una tierra cambiante
De luces coloridas a una sábana blanca.
Esta vez,
En el andar,
Caras aparecen,
¿Cuáles partirán?
¿Cuáles se establecerán?
Solo el tiempo dirá,
Pero cuando el tiempo permita,
Un retorno a esa tierra,
Enjaulada por un mar indomable,
Gobernada por una buya nocturna hipnotizante,
“Co-quí Co-quí”
Se hará
Mi familia, mis amistades, mi hogar,
¿Cómo olvidar?
About the Author: My name is Genaro Enrique Herrera Cano, and I'm currently an MS3 at the University of Connecticut's School of Medicine. I was born in Lima, Peru, but raised in Puerto Rico. My high school education was in Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I did my undergrad at Marquette University (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) and studied biomedical sciences. Moving on my own, so far from home, to pursue my career has had challenges, but it was also an exciting experience. I don't know where the next stage of my career will take me, but I'll tackle the challenges head-on as I have done before.
About the Work: This is a poem briefly telling my life story. It takes a glimpse into the past while still wondering what the future has in store. It reflects on the connections I have made along the way and am currently making. It ends with the notion that even though I am far away from home to pursue my career, my home and loved ones will always be in my heart.