Daniela E. Rojas
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
MD Candidate, Class of 2023
Oye, muchachita
Tú de ojos marinos
Tú que entre tus párpados contienes
El Pacífico
Y no se derrama
Y no se agota
Lo mantienes vivo
Y a la vez lejano
Oye, mujercita
Tú de labios desiertos
Tú que con sonrisas abarcas
El silencio
Y no lo compartes
Pero bien lo luces
De color por fuera
Y por dentro, un alma
Oiga usted damita
Usted con pies de piedra
Usted que va trepando
Colinas entre hierbas
Y lleva en sus plantas
La erosión del tiempo
Y la gravedad es su
Con sus ojos llore
Con sus labios cante
Con sus pies avance
Hacia tierras vastas
Donde el agua corre
Las montañas bailan
La arena susurra
Melódicas palabras
Donde el sueño ingenuo
Y la franqueza amarga
Logran consolarse
Y concebir torrentes
Con ellos un frío
Sutil, fugaz, fendiente
Un ladrón ausente
De afilados dientes
Que ojalá le diga
Que honesto le cuente
Que la carne sana
Y la vida es vana
Que el milagro humano
Es el amor de hermanos
Consejos del aire literally translates to “advice from the air.” The enigmatic power of the air is captivating in that it is invisible but constant. Similarly, the voices of our loved ones are persistent but often go unnoticed. They are with us, motivating us to seize the opportunities they did not have, but our struggle in the process, the insecurities brewing within us, our feelings of otherness, seem to muffle the sound. Nevertheless, those voices prevail—acknowledged or not— they remind us of our strengths and qualities, of the hope that lies ahead, of love and humanity which brings us all together. There is power in listening more intently.
About the author: I am a first generation medical student interested in psychiatry, geriatrics, and palliative care. I am originally from the southern border city of Mission, Texas, which is located in a region known as the Rio Grande Valley. I completed my undergraduate education at Brown University, obtaining a BA in Human Biology and a BA in Hispanic Studies. I am currently a student at Alpert Medical School, graduating in 2023. Among the things I cherish the most are the opportunities to celebrate the healing power of language, music, and human connection.
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