Angel D. Chavez Rivera, MS2
San Juan Bautista School of Medicine
Pursuing my dreams required commitment and determination.
The sacrifices of my family and community to help me achieve a better education.
Beginning my first year of medical school was a new journey for me to embark.
A giant of knowledge for me to slay and leave my mark.
After a couple of months, I began to adapt and figure things out.
Yet, what I did not realize was that a stronger giant was lurking about.
I was forced to spend most of my days in bed feeling frustrated and in severe pain.
Many around me did not understand my situation despite my best efforts to explain.
My body debilitated as days and nights of severe discomfort made the most of their stay.
Ineffective months of conservative treatments followed and left surgery as the only way.
Time did not stop and my journey in medicine remained on course.
Through the grace of God, I was able to persevere through both giants with great force.
The day of my procedure finally arrived and mixed feelings lead to a deep introspection.
A nurturing reflection that solidified during my recovery to provide me with great strength and direction.
The giant was neither the rigors of medical school nor my draining medical state.
Instead, the real giant was my unrelenting resolve to succeed and help my community become great.